
Welcome to PSP Plus

    Why the plus? I've been involved in a couple of online discussions about how PSP tutorial writers should write tutorials that use only PSP tools and features without the need for third party plug-ins. Embracing that philosophy, I have another site that I am also building that is dedicated to that goal. 

However, there are so many good plug-ins out there that I simply must build a site that features the ones that I'm familiar with. 

Thus, this site was born on 09/27/00


04/25/01  7 new presets added, mostly to the Hodge Podge Collection.
04/24/01 Presets are in the process of being moved and a few new ones added. If you haven't refreshed these pages recently, now might be a good time to do so. 
04/21/01 I am beginning an overhaul on this site so it will be more uniform with other sites in progress.
04/18/01 Thanks to Martha who advised me that the were some problems on this site, pages, images and files not found. All should be working correctly now. 



Page Descriptions

Tutorials: So far there are only two tutorials on this site. The first one explains the basics of using the SnowScape filter from Van der Lee and the second involves some advanced techniques using that same filter. 
Links: This will take you to my small PSP resources site which directs you to other PSP tutorials I have written.
Super Blade Pro: Home of Flaming Pear, creators of Super Blade Pro and many other terrific filters. 
Presets: Jump to presets I have made using Super BladePro. Note to Blade Pro users: you will not be able to use these presets. Super BladePro users can use presets made by either version, but the presets are not backwards compatible.    The presets section of this site is the largest portion of this site because it was originally built for displaying and distributing Super BladePro presets. 
Copyright © 2000-2001 
All rights reserved.
All graphics on this site are property of Pixel-Tickler and are protected under US and International copyright laws and may NOT be copied, stored or offered for sale without written permission from the owner unless so stated otherwise.
PSP tutorial groups may use these tutorials as part of their weekly lessons. If you have any questions regarding the content or images used on this site, drop me a note at news:// I browse there regularly.