
Welcome to Tutorials

     The tutorials on this site involve both the use of Paint Shop Pro and plug-in filters. I have been using PSP7 even while it was in the beta testing stage, but you should be able to use at least PSP6 to do these tutorials. 
     I have written these tutorials with the assumption that you understand the basic PSP tools, but I hope I have made them clear enough for beginners to PSP. If you have any questions about my tutorials, send your query to the Annexcafe PSP tutorial newsgroup. Please include the tutorial page that is giving you difficulty and try to be as clear as you can about where you are running into troubles. 
     If you are interested in other tutorials I have written that use Paint Shop Pro that do not require the use of any third party filters, you can visit my home on Geocities.

SnowScape tutorials

Basic How to's


Copyright © 2000-2001 
All rights reserved.
All graphics on this site are property of Pixel-Tickler and are protected under US and International copyright laws and may NOT be copied, stored or offered for sale without written permission from the owner unless so stated otherwise.
PSP tutorial groups may use these tutorials as part of their weekly lessons. If you have any questions regarding the content or images used on this site, drop me a note at news:// I browse there regularly.