
Advanced SnowScape Tutorial

     So, what if you are working with a photograph or a clip art image that doesn't have any transparency? Working with tubes or other images that already have a transparency are much easier, but not always possible. 

     This is an advanced tutorial and assumes that you know how to use the lasso tool and how to promote selections to layers.


     For the purpose of this tutorial, download the the zip file containing the rose picture. The zip file contains a larger version than the one that will be used on this page. To download, click here. Save the image to your hard drive and work on a duplicate copy.
     Use the magic lasso to trace around the rose. I prefer to use point-to-point settings with no feathering, anti-alias checked. When you are finished, click, and then double click to float the rose to a new layer and promote it to its own layer on your layers tab. Deselect all. 
     If you do not deselect the rose once you have it on it's new layer, the SnowScape Plug in may not work correctly. 
   Go to your plug in filters menu and select the SnowScape filter adjusting the sliders as you see fit. 

     You can continue to choose different selections as often as you like until you achieve the look you are after. Here's an example where I continued to choose different selections. I polished off the image with Unplugged snow which is offered by the same company that created SnowScape.  

     I just kept cutting out different selections of the rose and leaves and promoted each to its own layer. Be careful not to let your selections move to the wrong locations or whatever your background color was set to will show through. If this does happen, just use the mover tool to slide your selection back in its appropriate home.            

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